mileyhighrus: drake bell talks a lot of shit for someone who starred in a...
mileyhighrus:drake bell talks a lot of shit for someone who starred in a fairly odd parents movie
View Articlean-egg: its time to get into my pajamas (removes bra) all done
an-egg:its time to get into my pajamas (removes bra) all done
View Articlerabioheab: “and the winner of the golden globe is…. LEONARDO DICAPRIO! just...
rabioheab:“and the winner of the golden globe is…. LEONARDO DICAPRIO! just kidding. sit the fuck back down leoNERDo you stupid nerd”
View Articleallonsytimelord: im on the bus and an old woman just smiled and winked at me...
allonsytimelord:im on the bus and an old woman just smiled and winked at me because I’m grinning at my phone and i think she thinks im talking to a boy but im actually reading gay fanfic omfg
View Articlerockergirlmetal: Ozzy Osbourne having fun at wax museum.
rockergirlmetal:Ozzy Osbourne having fun at wax museum.
View Articlerazorshapes: Mike Brodie “Mike Brodie started making...
razorshapes:Mike Brodie“Mike Brodie started making photographs in 2004 after he was given a Polaroid camera. As The Polaroid Kidd he spend the next 4 years traveling through the US with a sub cultural...
View Articlehamburgay: “beauty sleep” is such bullshit I sleep 12 hours a day and I still...
hamburgay:“beauty sleep” is such bullshit I sleep 12 hours a day and I still look like a trashcan
View Articlebombliate: how weird is it to have pets though like a random animal just...
bombliate:how weird is it to have pets though like a random animal just lives in your house and you can’t communicate with it but you both just accept it
View Articleflying-inca56: “Tony no” a biography by Pepper Potts
flying-inca56:“Tony no” a biography by Pepper Potts
View Articledeadfromdaisies: psychoticmist: if you ever feel bad about yourself remember...
deadfromdaisies:psychoticmist:if you ever feel bad about yourself remember that george bush was once informed that 4 brazilian people were killed in iraq and he responded ‘how many is a brazilian’THIS...
View Articlepartypetunia: it’s ridiculous how so much of your future depends on how...
partypetunia:it’s ridiculous how so much of your future depends on how successful you are as a teenager
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