niknak79: My sink is blocked with hare again
niknak79:My sink is blocked with hare again
View Articleandrewhussiesbosom: WHAT THE [looks around nervously] [sweats a lot] frickle...
andrewhussiesbosom:WHAT THE [looks around nervously] [sweats a lot] frickle frackle
View Articlelnnea: Once we started a rumour that my friend shat on a terrace at a party...
lnnea:Once we started a rumour that my friend shat on a terrace at a party and now half of the city thinks that he shat on the terrace and girls won’t hook up with him
View Articletimfen: it’s been boiling all day and yet, i’ve spent most of...
timfen:it’s been boiling all day and yet, i’ve spent most of the day sitting on the floor and wearing this silly bobble hat.hobo chic is a lifestyle choice.
View Articlelibby’s name is the prettiest name ive ever heard im seriously...
libby’s name is the prettiest name ive ever heard im seriously considering naming my kid after libby if i ever have one because it’s really beautiful and i love libby bye
View Articleferrarisheppard: I am the greatest, I said that even before I...
ferrarisheppard:I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was. - Muhammad Ali (photo: Steve Schapiro)
View Articleforgetyeahcomics: “do you have a girlfriend?” “no but sometimes people on the...
forgetyeahcomics:“do you have a girlfriend?”“no but sometimes people on the internet flirt with me and I have no idea how serious they are about it”
View Articlehatar att det är halvbråkigt med mig och robin just NU när jag sitter här och...
hatar att det är halvbråkigt med mig och robin just NU när jag sitter här och blir nästan bokstavligen uppäten av myggor bara för att kunna sno wifi och prata med honom, känner mig så ugh weird, typ....
View Articleit has a really nice sound to it and man it’s just pretty...
it has a really nice sound to it and man it’s just pretty and my name is dumb i was names after dad’s first girlfriend who he had a kid with and a bald old chinese man which is a very accurate...
View Articleim probably gonna go inside and be sad the rest of the night idk
im probably gonna go inside and be sad the rest of the night idk
View Articlepro tip hide sad posts under a heap of unfunny posts so they blend in
pro tip hide sad posts under a heap of unfunny posts so they blend in
View Articleeugh hatar den här känslan, kom ihåg det här, sista fredagen i maj, 2013 när...
eugh hatar den här känslan, kom ihåg det här, sista fredagen i maj, 2013 när du var i egypten
View Articlesteven-stoned: instead of saying “nighty night” you should say “MIGHTY night”...
steven-stoned:instead of saying “nighty night” you should say “MIGHTY night” to give the person you are speaking to strength in their dreams
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